1 - PRIORIZE: just write down three things on sheet of paper, the most important for you, simplifying your life starts on seton your priorities.
2 - GET RID OF: You can start by taking that shelf that is cluttered, take it out everything and just stick with the essentials, gradually you will perform throughout the house, living with minimal facilitates easy cleaning and gives harmony to your home.
3 - DEFINE YOUR BASICS ON A DAY: that task is the priority of first importance, it is essential that you select which call or e-mail to answer, take a moment of your day to go to the gym, take a relaxing bath, waxing, etc.. Your basics must not be more than five in a day.
4 - FIND OUT 20 MINUTES A DAY TO DO ANYTHING: there is a sentence of Nona (grandmother) saying "dolce far niente" no phones, no computers, no TV ... nothing, just walking, or sitting on a bench people watching ... Nothing.
5 - SLOW: there are moments of day that should be done slowly, I call them the EWD; Eating, Walking, Driving. Visualize yourself when you walk fast, when you drive or whenever choked because of eating fast ... you do not like it, don’t you? You can begin to change that, right now, only varies a few minutes that can be very crucial in your life, have you ever thought?.
Be Happy!
¡Sed Felices!
Rachel Fer
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